1. 21224. Misbranding of Cre-Cal-Co. U. S. v. 8 Bottles and 10 Bottles of CreCal-Co. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: Creo Chemical Co. Issue Dates: August 1934
2. 17955. Misbranding of Cre-Cal-Co. U. S. v. 6 Bottles of Cre-Cal-Co. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: Creo Chemical Co. Issue Dates: June, 1931
3. 17170. Misbranding of Cre-Cal-Co. U. S. v. 22 Bottles of Cre-Cal-Co. Decree of condemnation with provision for release under bond. Defendants: Creo-Chemical Co. Issue Dates: January, 1931
4. 23239. Misbranding of Cre-Cal-Co. U. S. v. Creo-Chemical Co. and William M. Morgan. Pleas of guilty. Fine, $50. Defendants: Creo-Chemical Co. Issue Dates: May 1935