1. 27327. Adulteration of crab meat. U. S. v. 1 Barrel, 100 Pounds, and 158 Pounds of Crab Meat. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. Defendants: Gulf Crest Fisheries Issue Dates: November 1937
2. 29423. Adulteration of crab meat. U. S. v. 1 Barrel and 40 Cans of Crab Meat. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. Defendants: Coston Co. Issue Dates: January 1939
3. 736. Adulteration and misbranding of butter. U. S. v. 2 Tubs and 31 Cubes of Butter. Decrees of condemnation. Portion of product ordered released under bond; remainder delivered to a charitable institution. Defendants: Aneta Creamery or the Aneta Creamery & Produce Co. Issue Dates: May 1941