1. 1228. Adulteration and misbranding of prophylactics. U. S. v. 15 Gross and 4 1/2 Gross of Prophylactics. Decrees of destruction. Defendants: F. G. Karg Issue Dates: June 1945
2. 1177. Adulteration of prophylactics. U. S. v. 300 Gross of Rubber Prophylactics. Consent decree ordering the release of the product under bond. Subsequent decree entered ordering that the product be destroyed. Defendants: Trutex Products, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio Issue Dates: June 1945
3. 1117. Adulteration of prophylactics. U. S. v. 50 Gross and 50 Gross of Rubber Prophylactics. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. Defendants: Trutex Products, Inc. Issue Dates: June 1945