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Product Keywords
- Alcothol-Rub1
- Ampacold Estrogenic Hormone1
- Arcady Roost Paint1
- Astyptodyne Cough Syrup and Astyptodyne Ointment1
- Beck's Little Wonder Headache Powders1
- Bismuth Subgallate Comp., Elixir Basham, C. C. T. Quinine Bisulphate, Tincture Aconite Root, U. S. P., Hypodermic Tablets Nitroglycerin, Hypodermic Tablets Strychnine Sulphate, Tincture Hyoscyamus, U. S. P., Fluid Extract Colchicum Seed, U. S. P., Compressed Tablets Cinchophen, Tablet Triturates Morphine Sulphate1
- Brazil nuts and filberts1
- Bromo-Foam1
- Castrique Worm Powder, Spratt's Treatment for Bacillary White Diarrhoea and Spratt's Roupine Liquid Roup Treatment1
- Cereal Lactic (Powder) and Cereal Lactic (Capsules)1
- Compressed Tablet Thyroid Glands1
- Curarina De Juan Salas Nieto2
- Dexene1
- Dr. Bell's Veterinary Medical Wonder1
- Dr. Gram's Grandmother Medicine1
- Dr. J. W. White's Herb Tonic Compound1
- Dr. Lane's Quinine Capsules, Calomel & Soda Tablets, and Solution Mercurochrome1
- Eczematone and Eczematone Ointment1
- Firstaid Readymade Bandage with Mercurochrome1
- Friable Pills No. 342 Blaud and Ointment Ammoniated Mercury1