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Product Keywords
- " Bloodine Blood and Kidney Tablets," " Checkers," and " To-Ni-Ta"1
- " Dr. DeWitt's Eclectic Cure " and "Dr. DeWitt's Liver, Blood and Kidney Remedy"1
- " Fritch's Vegetable Liniment " and " Fritch's Vegetable Soap"1
- " G Zit " Complete Stearns'1
- " H G C."1
- " Hancock Sulphur Compound " and " Hancock Sulphur Compound Ointment"1
- " LUKUM."1
- " Lee's Save the Baby Croup Specific " and " Lee's Croup Mixture"1
- " Potasul" Potash Sulphur Water1
- " Thomas Pennyroyal Tansy and Cotton Root Pills," "Arthur (Bicks) Pine Tax* Honey Horehound and "Wild Cherry," " Bicks Quick Pile Remedy," " Bick's Nerve and Brain Tonic," " Bick's Laxative Syrup of Figs Tvith Syrup of Pepsin," and "Arthur's Sexual Tablets"1
- "3 Days" Cure4
- "3 Days" Cure for Men1
- "Alchermes di Firenze," "Liquore Garibaldi," and "Menta Glaciale; "Granatina"1
- "Andrews' Wine of Life Root or Female Regulator " and "Andrews' Wine of Life Root Annex Powders"1
- "Arch Brand Nerve Tonic " and "Arch Brand Blood Remedy"1
- "Army" Brand Prime Cotton Seed Cake and Meal1
- "California Sparkling Burgundy," "Sparkling Burgundy Type"1