- canned peaches2
- canned sardines2
- canned shrimp2
- canned turnip greens2
- dextro-amphetamine sulfate (Dexedrine Sulfate) tablets2
- frozen fish2
- frozen whiting2
- frozen whole eggs2
- mineral water2
- oysters2
- potatoes2
- Alkavis1
- Allan's compound extract of damiana1
- Anti-Phymin1
- Astyptodyne healing oil1
- B L & K R1
- Balm and Gilead Herb Tonic, Manning's Asthma Plaster, Asthma Tea, D. R. Manning Asthma Salve, Manning's Princess Gaynell Hair Tonic, D. R. Manning Throat Gargle, D. R. Manning Antiseptic Douch Powder, Manning's Whoa Liniment, an article labeled "For Nervous Run Down Women," Blood Tonic, and Blood and Liver Capsules1
- Black's Pulmonic Syrup1