Product Keywords
- cottonseed cake and meal3
- cracked cottonseed feed3
- Cly-Tone Tonic2
- Nervosex tablets2
- Womanette2
- canned black-eyed peas and canned red beans2
- canned frozen eggs2
- cauliflower2
- coal-tar color2
- corn meal2
- cottonseed cake or meal2
- cottonseed feed2
- evaporated apples2
- marshmallow marble candy2
- soluble saccharin2
- tomato juice2
- vanilla flavor2
- "Army" Brand Prime Cotton Seed Cake and Meal1
- (1) Stearns' Astringosol; (2) Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy; (3) Frese's Hamburg Tea; (4) Garfield Tea or Stlllman's Liver and Kidney Remedy; (5) Grantillas; (6) Dr. J. H. McLean's Universal Liver Pills; (7) Chamberlain's Salve; (8) Dr. Hobson's Whooping Cough Syrup; (9) Hobo Kidney and Bladder Remedy; (10) Ki-La-Ga; (11) Lee's Creo-Lyptus; (12) Requa's Charcoal Tablets; (13) Vinco Herb Tablets1