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Product Keywords
- Arium tablets1
- Aspironal1
- Bowman's abortion remedy1
- Dr. Bull's cough sirup1
- Dr. McMichael's Allgland with radium1
- Genitol and Nervo-Vital1
- Montague's petroleum emulsion with hypophosphites1
- Moore's Liver-Ax1
- Moorite mineral powder1
- Vitona1
- alleged Adulteration of canned peas1
- atropine sulphate tablets, nitroglycerin tablets, and diacetyl morphine hydrochloride tablets1
- blanched split almonds1
- butter20
- camphor spirit, nitre spirit, iron tincture, and antiseptic iodine solution1
- canned blueberries1
- canned corn2
- canned salmon11
- canned sardines1
- canned string beans1