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Product Keywords
- A-R-T (Allen's Rheumatic Treatment)1
- A. I. R. (Asthma-Instant-Relief)1
- Aimotone1
- Anti-Caps1
- Antiseptine, Genius Vaporine Ointment, white petrolatum, and Victory Vapor Balm1
- Baker's Cough Syrup1
- Blanton's Rheumatic Salve1
- Bleachodent Liquid and Bleachodent Paste1
- Booth's Hyomei1
- Carbosalve, and misbranding of capsicum salve and Unguensalve1
- Cheney's Compound Herbs1
- Chlorine Respirine1
- Colors Da Olio De Oliva, and adulteration and misbranding of Olive-Concentrol1
- Cozzins New Formula for Asthma1
- Dia-Bet1
- Dr. Fellows' Headache Powders1
- Dr. Grigg's Great Blood Tonic1
- Dr. J. O. Lambert's Syrup1
- Dr. Penor's Antiseptic Uterine Tablets and Dr. Penor's Regulator Pills1
- Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup1