- vanilla extract2
- Adams Vapour Ointment, Adams Menthol Salve, Adams Menthol Jell, and Adams Painon Liniment1
- Alcothol-Rub1
- Alkavis1
- An-Idin and Andre Stainless Iodine1
- B L & K R1
- Brazil nuts1
- Calumet Herb Tea1
- Carboil1
- Compressed T. T. Nitroglycerine, Tinct. Aconite, Coated Tablets Strychnine Sulphate, and Compressed Tablets Phenobarbital1
- Compressed Tablets Amidopyrine, Novocain 1% Ampoules, and Solution Magnesium Sulphate1
- Congoin1
- Dismuke's Famous Mineral Crystals1
- Dr. P. C. Sanderson's Indian Herbs of Joy and Blood Cleanser, and Sengarian Ointment, formerly called "Hungarian Ointment"1
- East India Injection, Cholerine, and Bloodzone1
- Elixir Quinine, Iron & Strychnine E. D. C., Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 Grain, Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/40 Grain, Compressed Tablets Migraine, and Compressed Tablets Acetanilide & Salol; Misbranding of Compressed Tablets Antiseptic (Gumston) and Compressed Tablets Acetphenetidin and Salol; and adulteration and misbranding of Compressed Tablets Acid Arsenous1
- Exserco Antiseptic Deodorant Disinfectant1
- Garlene's Imperial Champyne Americaine1
- Genuine Kompo Combined with Bile Salts Compound Tablets1
- Gowans Preparation1