- Emulsol Stabilizer No. 51
- Esscolloid Detergent1
- General Hog Liquid, General Hog Medicine "F," Poultry Tablets, and General Ponltry Liquid1
- Grassolio1
- Harrison's Orange Hut Orange (orange beverage base)1
- Isotonic sodium chloride solution, isotonic solution of three chlorides, and lactate Ringer's solution1
- Italian type cheese1
- Kronost or Bondost cheese1
- Major Brand B Complex Vitamin Tablets1
- Mela-Vim1
- Mi-Hair Scalp and Hair Preparations1
- Midwest Vi-Tonic for Hogg1
- Mil-K-Botl Concentrate, Special Acid Solution, and Mil-K-Botl Color1
- Multivitamin, Vitamin D Capsules1
- Narcosan, Narcosan-A, Elevin, Osmogen, and Sinesin1
- Nion D Capsules1
- Ritamine Vitamin and Mineral Capsules1
- Sanette Treated Strips1
- Semi-Solid "E" Emulsion (condensed buttermilk feed)1
- Spanish peanuts1