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Product Keywords
- tomato pulp4
- vinegar2
- "Alchermes di Firenze," "Liquore Garibaldi," and "Menta Glaciale; "Granatina"1
- "Dr. H. A. Tucker's Fever Drops" and "Dr. H. A. Tucker's Diapho No. 59 Retic Compound"1
- "Rawleigh's Golden Cough Syrup " and " Rawleigh's Ru-Mex-Ol"1
- Brown's Blood Treatment1
- Bunsen's Catarrh Cure1
- Celery-Vesce1
- Classe's Great Penetrating Liniment1
- Curative Jasnogorskie Win1
- Dr. DeWitt's Liver, Blood, and Kidney Cure1
- Dr. Guertin's Nerve Syrup1
- Dr. O. Phelps Brown's Acacian Balsam1
- Dr. Warner's White Wine of Tar Syrup1
- Dr. Wrightsman's Sovereign Balm of Life1
- Essence Mentho-Laxene1
- Ferro-China Trionfo1
- Forrest's Juniper Tar1
- Frazier's Distemper Cure1
- Gooch's Mexican Syrup of Wild Cherry Tar &c.1