Product Keywords
- Cauliflower1
- Chocolate-Flavor Cascarets1
- Cly-Tone Tonic1
- Colonaid2
- Copinol1
- Cream-O-Cotton1
- Curry's Headache Powders1
- Dr. G. B. Williams' Pills1
- Dr. Goodwin's Silkweed Herbal Compound1
- Dr. Hess Hog Special1
- Dr. J. O. Lambert's Syrup2
- Dr. Jacob Becker's Celebrated Eye-Balsam1
- Dr. Jayne's Bryo-da Tonic Pills1
- Dr. Koch's Mentholene Ointment, Dr. Koch's Cold and Grip Tablets, and Dr. Koch's Sept-O-Cide; misbranding of Dr. Koch's Rolatum Healing Salve, Dr. Koch's Mustard Ointment, We-No-Nah Poultry Tonic, and Dr. Koch's Vegetable Family Tea1
- Dr. Rainey's Vitality Tablets and Dr. Rainey's Laxatives1
- Dr. Schwind's Rose Healing Salve1
- Dr. Tripp's Tonic Prescription1
- Dunlop Pyorrhea Paste1
- Ensign Remedies1
- Epsom salt tablets and misbranding of aspirin tablets1