- "Arch Brand Nerve Tonic " and "Arch Brand Blood Remedy"1
- "Army" Brand Prime Cotton Seed Cake and Meal1
- "Be" Bex; Hi-Test Pine Extract1
- "Be" Plex vitamin B-complex with minerals and Iron1
- "Beawun" Vitamin B1 Tablets1
- "California Sparkling Burgundy," "Sparkling Burgundy Type"1
- "Collins' Ague Remedy," "Swaim's Panacea," and "Swayne's Panacea"1
- "Cooper's New Discovery" and "Cooper's Quick Relief"1
- "Corn Chop"1
- "Cream of Hops" and "Hop Tonic"1
- "Doctor's Daughter" Tablets (and Dr. Wilbur's Laxative Tablets)1
- "Dr. Emmons' Throat and Lung Healer " and "Tissue Builder"1
- "Dr. H. A. Tucker's Fever Drops" and "Dr. H. A. Tucker's Diapho No. 59 Retic Compound"1
- "Dr. Haller's Prescription 5,000" or "Dr. Haller's Prescription 2,000," or Rx 2,000" or Rx 5,000"1
- "Dr. Navaun's Mexican Lung Balm," and " Dr. Navaun's Kidney Tablets."1
- "Dr. Sloop's Diphtheria Remedy" and "Dr. Shoop's Preventics"1
- "Elix Potash Bromide" and "Emulsion Turpentine"1
- "En-Ar-Co Oil,"1
- "For Blood and Kidneys" medicine1
- "Fruit-a-tives"2