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- Ace Poultry Co.1
- Allied Poultry Processors Co.1
- Ann Amico, trading as the A & A Poultry Plant, at Vineland, N. J., and Sam Amico, an employee1
- Armour & Co.1
- Benjamin I. Fisher, trading as the B & B Poultry Co.1
- Burris Processing Co.1
- Carolina Poultry Farms, Inc.1
- Caroline Poultry Farms, Inc.1
- Cranbury Feed, Poultry & Hatchery, Inc., Cranbury, N. J., and Michael Pack1
- Delmarva Poultry Corp.1
- Diamond State Poultry Co., Inc.1
- Dover Poultry Co.1
- Garrison Kaufman; trading as Kaufman's Poultry Farm, Flemington, N. J.1
- Hartford Live Poultry Co.1
- North Pole Cold Storage Ice Co.1
- Samor Poultry Co.1
- Samor Poultry Corp.1
- Seymour Weinberg, trading as Weinberg Poultry, Norma, N. J.1