- H. E. Kelley & Co., Inc.1
- H. F. Botsford & Co.1
- Handy Baking Co.1
- Harold H. Loomis, trading as Loomis Drug Store, Angola, Ind.1
- Harry M. Carpenter & Sons1
- Ho-Ma Packing Co.1
- Hobson Norris, and George M. Dawson and Glenn Dawson1
- Holsum Products1
- Isaly Dairy Co.1
- Jack L. Kramer and Hyman Fineman, partners in the partnership of Simpson's Modern Pharmacy, Washington, D. C.1
- John Suydam, trading as the Newburgh Oxygen Co., Newburgh, N. Y., and George H. Gordon, an employee in the business.1
- Joseph Freiberg.1
- Louisville Grocery Co.1
- Madam Chang Foods, Inc.1
- Millsboro Poultry Plant1
- Milwaukee Spice Mills, Inc.1
- Minerva Dairy, Inc.1
- Miracle Hearing Aid, Inc., from East Orange, N. J.1
- Missouri Pecan Shelling Co.1
- Nash-Finch Co.1