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- Albertson Packing Co.1
- Anglo-American & Overseas Corp.1
- Anheuser-Busch, Inc.1
- Arthur C. Mehl, t/a Mehl's Drug Store, Milwaukee, Wis.1
- Aud Earle Whayne (pharmacist and partner in Guthrie Pharmacy), Memphis, Tenn.1
- Automobile Insurance Co.1
- Azriel Stein, Denver, Colo.1
- Barnett Plattor, t/a Mohegan Pharmacy, Mohegan Lake, N. Y.1
- Bobbins Bros.1
- Captivante Laboratories, from New York, N. Y.2
- Carl J. Greenblatt, trading as G & W Laboratories, Jersey City, N. J.1
- Casaus Bros.1
- Central Warehouse1
- Charles A. Whitford, trading as the Whitford Mercantile Co. and the Nowata Creamery Co.1
- Charles Mraz, Middlebury, Vt.1
- Chicago Macaroni Co.2
- Clarence Gosdin, t/a Gosdin Drug Store, Brownfield, Tex.1
- Clem C. Primm, t/a Primm Drug Store, Brownfield, Tex., and James G. Riddle (pharmacist).1
- Cornelias L. Mueller (manager and pharmacist of Mueller Drug Store), St. Louis, Mo, John J. Mueller, Jr. (employee), and Maurice Gengler (pharmacist).1
- Crisfield Supply Co.1