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- Hygienic Pharmacal Laboratories2
- Albert H. Clark, trading as the Clark Medicine Co.1
- Armour Creameries1
- Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co.1
- Brocton Preserving Co., Inc.1
- Chemical Industrial Co.1
- Folsom Extract Co., Inc.1
- G. S. Cheney Co., Inc.1
- Italia Importing Co.1
- J. R. Poole Co. (manufacturer, Great Lakes Packing Co., Farnham, N. Y.)1
- James E. Stras1
- James J. Kaplan, trading as the Diamond Drug & Magnesia Co.1
- Johannes Pure Food Co., Inc.1
- Montecalvo Bros.1
- National Co.1
- Oswego Preserving Co.1
- Roma Extract Co.1
- Sheray, Inc.1