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- A. B. Collins1
- A. Ghianda1
- A. Ghiandi1
- A. Irvine & Co., San Francisco, Cal.1
- A. Qiurlani & Bro. (A. Giurlani & Bro.)1
- Adolf Koshland, San Francisco, Calif.1
- Albert Dickinson Co.1
- Andrea Russo & Co., Chicago, Ill.1
- Andrews-Wilmans Biscuit Co.1
- Anthony Fisher, trading as the Anthony Fisher Co., Salt Lake Cily, Utah1
- Archie A. Grover, Springfield, Idaho, and in part by Marvin Lamb, Robertson, Wyo.1
- Armstrong Cork Co.1
- Asael Farr and Sons Co., trading as the Farr Ice Cream Co., Ogden, Utah, and Asael Farr, Sr., president, and Dexter Farr, treasurer and manager1
- Associated Canneries, Inc.1
- Astrol Pharmacal Co.1
- B. G. Makris, New York, N. Y.2
- B. H. Townsend & Co.1
- Banner Canning Co., a corporation, Ogden, Utah1
- Bay State Milling Company1
- Bayle Food Products Co., St. Louis, Mo.1