- George A. Manning, acting as agent for the Rocky Mountain Mineral Co.1
- Greenmount Canning Co.1
- H. Planten & Son, Brooklyn, N. Y.1
- Harbauer Marleau Company, Toledo, Ohio1
- Harry H. McNemar1
- Hart Bros., Saginaw, Mich.1
- Haskin Medicine Co., Binghamton, N. Y.1
- Healthagain Laboratories, Inc.1
- Hen-e-ta Bone Company, Flemington, W. Va.1
- Henry S. Wampole Co., Baltimore, Md.1
- Hills Bros. Co., New York, N. Y.1
- I. S. Fine Corporation1
- Ignatius Gross Co., New York, N. Y.1
- K. & T. Stores, Inc., a substation for the Sumner Co.1
- L. B. Ressequie1
- Land O'Hills Creamery, Inc.1
- Lange Bros., Inc.1
- Leighton Supply Co.1
- Lungardia Co., Inc., Dallas, Tex .1
- Lutz & Schramm Co.1