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- A. C. Legg Packing Co., Inc.1
- A. J. Barbanera, New York, N. Y.1
- A. J. Capone Co., Inc.1
- A. Karcher Candy Co.1
- A. L. Johnston1
- A. W. Sisk & Son2
- Adolphus Rice Mills, Inc.1
- Ady and Crowe Mercantile Co.1
- Akin Food Products Co., Inc.1
- Akron Drug & Sundries Co.1
- Alabama Gin & Peanut Co.1
- Alva Roller Mills2
- Am-Bro Co.1
- Ambrose J. Smith, Sam S. Lard, and John S. Carter, as trustees of the Texas Creamery Co.1
- Ambrosia J. Smith. John S. Carter, and Sam S. Lard, trustees, Texas Creamery Co.1
- American Beauty Macaroni Co.2
- American Brewing Co1
- American Candy Co.1
- American Maid Flour Mills, a corporation, Houston, Tex.1
- American Products Co., Inc.1