- American Beauty Macaroni Co.1
- American Maize Products Co.1
- Anadarko Cotton Oil Co.1
- Anti-Poison Medicine Co.1
- Armour & Co.1
- Armour and Co.1
- Arthur G. Fulkerson, Edward C. Burton, and Richard K. Wootten, copartners, trading under the name Anadarko Cotton Oil Co., Anadarko, Okla.1
- Arthur Petrie, trading as the Anti-Caps Co.1
- Arthur Stout, Frederick, Okla.1
- Arthur W. Williams, trading as the Earl Drug Store, at Lawton, Okla., and Karl F. Reynolds, a pharmacist for the store.1
- Austin-Snow Co. and the Wolfe Brokerage Co.1
- B. B. Stanley1
- Bailey Ammons, a pharmacist employed at the drug store.1
- Beatrice Creamery Co.1
- Beggs Mfg. Co.1
- Bennett Day Co.1
- Berryville Supply Co.1
- Bert Brice Nash, Fritz Ortman, and Charlie H. Gallagher, copartners trading as Salt City Creamery, Oklahoma City, Okla.1
- Bliss Syrup and Preserving Co.1
- Boisman Products Co.1