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- A. W. Sisk & Son1
- Allen V. Smith, Inc.1
- American Pistachio Corp.1
- Arrow Spice and Food Co.1
- Atlantic Co.1
- Biehl & Co., Inc.3
- Blair Milling & Elevator Co., Inc.1
- Bonded Distributing Co., Inc.1
- Booth Fisheries, Inc.1
- Buitoni Products, Inc.1
- Burns Wholesale Grocery Co.1
- C. Derousselle1
- C. Economou Cheese Corp., Hinesburg, Vt., and Costas Economou, president1
- Camilla Cotton Oil Co.1
- Carol Dryden & Co., Inc.1
- Case-Moody Pie Corp., Chicago, Ill., and James Henderson (executive vice president and general manager)1
- China Doll, Inc.1
- Chun King Sales, Inc.1
- Collins-Lee Co.1
- Colony Foods, Inc.1