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- A. F. Thibodeau Co.1
- Albert City Cooperative Creamery1
- Albert City Cooperative Creamery Association1
- Armour & Co.1
- Armour Creameries1
- Armour Creameries, Inc.1
- Chesapeake Creameries, Inc.1
- Culpeper Creamery1
- Davis-Cleaver Produce Co.1
- DeLuxe Foods Corporation1
- George Freese's Sons Co.1
- H. C. Christians Co.1
- Henry L. Mickelson, trading as the Canton Creamery Co.1
- Jackson Center Creamery Co.1
- Jefferson Creamery, Inc., and Winn & Lovett Grocery Co.1
- John Morrell & Co.1
- Kroger Grocery & Baking Co.1
- McComb Dairy Products Co.1
- Perry J. Bradley and Vincent Michalak, copartners, trading as the Enterprise City Creamery, Enterprise, Oreg.1
- Roanoke Butter & Cheese, Inc.1