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- Fairmont Foods Co.3
- Barra Co.2
- Hunt Foods, Inc.2
- Libby, McNeill & Libby2
- A. E. Turner & Co.1
- A. F. Kees, Inc.1
- A. J. Seibert Co., Inc.1
- Abbott's Dairies, Inc.1
- Adams Apple Products Corp.1
- Affiliated Bakers Co.1
- Alice Richardson, trading as Mrs. Richardson's Cookies, Phoenix, Ariz.1
- Allied Baking Co.1
- Alma Canning Co.1
- Alto Canning Co.1
- American Factors, Ltd.1
- Anthony Grieco, trading as the Paramount Vinegar Sales Co.1
- Arthur H. Decker, trading as Chandler Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pa.1
- Atlas Foods, Inc.1
- Atwater Packing Co.1
- Austin A. Claypool, trading as the Claypool Feed Co.1