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- A. O. Cunningham1
- Alex. Cairns & Sons2
- Almond Cooperative Creamery Co.1
- American Fruit Growers (Inc.)2
- Armour & Co.1
- Armstrong Gimle Fisheries2
- Arthur E. Jones1
- Arthur Jones1
- Austin, Nichols &Co.1
- Bandon Creamery, Bandon, Oreg.1
- Baumer's Food Product Co.1
- Benjamin Holland, trading as the Benjamin Holland Manufacturing Co.1
- Beno Creamery Co.1
- Bigney & Co.1
- Blue Grass Butter Co.1
- Booth Fisheries Co.3
- Booth Fisheries, Duluth, Minn.1
- Breeden Drug Co. (Inc.)1
- C. & P. Butter Printing Co., of New York1
- C. A. Hazard Chemical Co.1