- J. S. Merrill Drug Co.1
- Jay J. Gerber and Norman Gerber, trading as R. Gerber & Co.1
- Joseph Gentile Co.1
- Karl Adler, trading as the Adler Export Co.1
- Kells Co.1
- Lyssandros D. Ravazula and Theodore D. Ravazula, co-partners, trading tinder the firm name and style of Ravazula Bros.1
- Lyssandros D. Ravazula and Theodore D. Ravazula, co-partners, trading under the firm name and style of Ravazula Bros.1
- Mario Campolieti, New York, N. Y.1
- Martin Rudy, Lancaster, Pa.1
- N. C. Monahos & Co.1
- Nashville Medicine Co.1
- Nashville Medicine Co., Nashville, Tenn.1
- National Cocoa Mills, New York, N. Y.1
- Nickitas P. Economou and Nicholas Theodos, co-partners, trading as N. P. Economou & Theodos, New York, N. Y.1
- Novita Co.1
- Oatman Condensed Milk Co.1
- Old Kentucky Mfg. Co.1
- Panfilo Zendejas, Los Angeles, Calif.1
- Pfeiffer Chemical Co. [S. Pfeiffer Mfg. Co.]1
- Saxon Co.1