- 1471. Adulteration of Narcosan, Narcosan-A, Elevin, Osmogen, and Sinesln. U. S. v. 6 Boxes of Narcosan, 11 Boxes of Narcosan-A, 2 Boxes of Elevin, 3 Boxes of Osmogen and 3 Boxes of Sinesin. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1472. Adulteration of triple distilled water. U. S. v. 270 Ampuls and 1,990 Ampuls of Triple Distilled Water. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1473. Adulteration of triple distilled water. U. S. v. 350 Ampuls of Triple Distilled Water. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to the Food and Drug Administration.1
- 1474. Adulteration of adhesive plaster. U. S. v. 852 Spools and 35,100 Rolls of Adhesive Plaster. Decrees of condemnation. Portion of product ordered released under bond; remainder ordered destroyed.1
- 1475. Adulteration of adhesive plaster. U. S. v. 102 Cartons of Adhesive Plaster. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1476. Adulteration of Sanette Treated Strips. U. S. v. 49 1/2Gross Packages of Sanette Treated Strips. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1477. Adulteration and misbranding of gauze bandages. U. S. v. 24 5/6 Gross Packages of Gauze Bandages. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered sold.1
- 1478. Adulteration and misbranding of gauze bandage. U. S. v. 21 Cartons of Gauze Bandage. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1479. Adulteration and misbranding of first aid kits. U. S. v. 97 Packages of First Aid Kits. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to a public welfare organization.1
- 1480. Adulteration and misbranding of prophylactics. U. S. v. 19 Gross of Prophylactics. Default decree of destruction.1
- 1481. Adulteration and misbranding of prophylactics. U. S. v. 38 Gross of Prophylactics. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1482. Misbranding of Alliodis. U. S. v. 12 Cartons, 15 Cartons, and 1 Carton of Alliodis. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1483. Misbranding of Bennett's Pep-Em-Up. U. S. v. 45 Bottles of Bennett's Pep-Em-Up. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1484. Misbranding of 606 System Tonic. U. S. v. 100 Bottles and 16 Bottles of 606 System Tonic. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1485. Misbranding of Thujanoids Rectal Cones. U. S. v. 21 Cartons of Thujanoids Rectal Cones. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1486. Misbranding of Esscolloid Detergent. U. S. v. 56 Packages of Esscolloid Detergent and All Labeling and Accompanying Circulars. Default decree of destruction.1
- 1487. Misbranding of Dr. Ledoux's Canadian Cough Syrup. U. S. v. 436 Bottles of Dr. Ledoux's Canadian Cough Syrup. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1488. Misbranding of Ritamine Vitamin and Mineral Capsules. U. S. v. 937 1/2 Dozen Boxes of Ritamine Vitamin and Mineral Capsules and 9 Packages of Booklets. Consent decree of condemnation. Product ordered released under bond.1
- 1489. Misbranding of Major Brand B Complex Vitamin Tablets. U. S. v. 15 Cases of Major Brand B Complex Vitamin Tablets. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to a charitable institution.1
- 1490. Misbranding of Walban Vitamin B Complex and Walban A, B1, D, G (B2) Vitamin Pearls. U. S. v. 35 Display Units of Walban Vitamin B Complex and 23 Display Units of Walban A, B D, G (B2) Vitamin Pearls. Default decrees of condemnation. Products ordered delivered to charitable institutions.1