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- 1070. Adulteration and misbranding of first aid dressings U. S. v. 475,000 Packages of First-Aid Dressings. Consent decree of condemnation. Product ordered released under bond to be destroyed or brought into compliance with, the law.1
- 1095. Misbranding of Heath's Calf Powder. U. S. v. 18 Cartons, 6 Cartons, and 8 Cartons of Heath's Calf Powder. Decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1141. Misbranding of Hydraphorus with Cinchona. U. S. v. 33 Bottles of Hydraphorus with Cinchona. Decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1146. Misbranding of Hawk's Fen-R-Tabs, Mul-Ene, and Inhalant Spray. U. S. v. 1,494 Cans of Hawk's Fen-R-Tabs, 150 Bottles of Hawk's Mul-Ene, and 65 Bottles of Hawk's Inhalant Spray. Decree of condemnation. Products ordered released under bond.1
- 1165. Adulteration and misbranding of sulfanilamide capsules. U. S. v. Peerless Serum Co. Plea of guilty. Fine. $100 and costs.1
- 1172. Adulteration of ampuls of calcium gluconate. U. S. v. 200 Ampuls of Calcium Gluconate. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1257. Adulteration of Stero-Uteroids and misbranding of Satur-Pep. U. S. v. Lloyd M. Curts and Charles D. Folse (Curts-Folse Laboratories). Pleas of guilty. Fine, $200.1
- 1264. Adulteration of calcium gluconate with dextrose. U. S. v. Lloyd M. Curts and Charles D. Poise (Curts-Folse Laboratories). Pleas of guilty. Fine, $100.1
- 1302. Adulteration of Eye-Gyrol and misbranding of Stero-Uteroids. U. S. v. Lloyd M. Curts and Charles D. Folse (Curts-Folse Laboratories). Pleas of guilty. Fine, $200.1
- 1462. Adulteration and misbranding of Spear 15% "All Mash" Egg Mash. U. S. v. 9 Sacks of Spear 15% "All Mash" Egg Mash. Decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 1643. Misbranding of Apco Apcolene and Apco Brooder and Litter Spray. U. S. v. The American Products Go.,. Inc. Plea of guilty. Fine, $300 and costs.1
- 2274. Adulteration and misbranding of Sanacal, Verma-Caps, Anti-Flatulence Tablets, San-Areck Capsules, and Equine Purgative Capsules, and misbranding of Breeder's Compound. U. S. v. Curts-Folse Laboratories, Lloyd M. Curts, and Charles D. Folse. Plea of guilty. Fine, $1,100 against the defendants, jointly.1
- 2346. Misbranding of Poultry Pep, Poultry-Ton and Conditioner for Poultry, Chick-Ton, Pheno Nox-Ide-Tabs, and Large Round Worm Powder. U. S. v. Hobbs & Co., Walter C. Hobbs, and Mason B. Hobbs. Pleas of guilty. Fine of $250 and costs against the defendants jointly.1
- 254. Adulteration and misbranding of prophylactics. U. S. v. 9 1/6 Gross, 6 11/12 Gross, and 7 Gross of Prophylactics. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 3681. Misbranding of Seconal Sodium capsules and methyltestosterone tablets. U. S. v.Norton Drug Stores, Inc., and Theodore Cibolski and Edward T. Kanaley. Pleas of guilty. Corporation fined $60, Theodore Cibolski fined $50, and Edward T. Kanaley fined $10, together with costs1
- 3682. Misbranding of Seconal Sodium capsules and methyltestosterone tablets. U. S. v. Lee T. King (Kings Drug Store). Plea of guilty. Fine of $80, plus costs.1
- 3728. Misbranding of Seconal Sodium capsules and methyltestosterone tablets. U. S. v. John Homer Harrison and Joel Reibstein. Pleas of guilty. Fine of $100 against John Homer Harrison and $75 against Joel Reibstein, together with costs.1
- 3843. Misbranding of Seconal Sodium capsules. U. S. v. Glenn S. Shipp (The Chemist Shop). Plea of nolo contendere. Defendant sentenced to pay costs and to serve 60 days in jail. Sentence of imprisonment suspended and defendant placed on probation for 60 days.1
- 4214. Misbranding of Color-Therm device. U. S. v. Fred Gerkey. Motion to dismiss denied. Plea of guilty. Imposition of sentence suspended and defendant placed on probation for 1 year.1
- 4364. Misbranding of dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets and pentobarbital sodium capsules. U. S. v. Lloyd Mayswinkle (Lloyd's Drug Store), and Harry J. Roberts. Pleas of guilty. Each defendant fined $100 and placed on probation for 2 years.1