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- 10164. Misbranding of Hall's catarrh medicine. U. S. v. 9 Gross Bottles and 3 Gross Bottles of Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10225. Misbranding of Bristol's sarsaparilla compound and Kemp's Anacahuita pectoral compound. U. S. v. 8 Dozen Bottles of Bristol's Sarsaparilla Compound, et al. Decrees of condemnation and forfeiture. Products released under bond.1
- 10310. Adulteration and misbranding of Wood's special concentrated sweetener. U. S. v. 3 Cans of Wood's Special Concentrated Sweetener. Decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10330. Misbranding of Lungardia. U. S. v. 5 Dozen Bottles or Packages of Lungardia, et al. Default deciee of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10392. Misbranding of Pierce's Empress' Brand tansy, cotton root, pennyroyal, and apiol tablets. U. S. v. 12 Dozen Boxes of Pierce's Empress Brand Tansy Tablets. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10539. Misbranding of Nunn's Black Oil healing compound. U. S. v. 5 Dozen Large and 1/2 Dozen Small Bottles, et al., of Nunn's Black Oil Healing Compound. Default deerees of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered disposed of according to law.1
- 10645. Adulteration and misbranding of canned tuna. U. S. v. White Star Canning: Co., a Corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100.1
- 10698. Misbranding of Abbott Bros. compound for rheumatism. U. S. v. 3 Dozen Bottles of Abbott Bros. Compound for Rheumatism. Default deeree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered disposed of according to law.1
- 10728. Misbranding of Lee's Hazel antiseptic cones. U. S. v. 10 Packages of Lee's Hazel Antiseptic Cones. Default decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered disposed of according to law.1
- 10824. Misbranding of anemia tablets. U. S. v. 12 Dozen Packages of Anemia Tablets. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10860. Misbranding of tuna fish. U. S. T. White Star Canning Co., a Corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100.1
- 10867. Misbranding of Prof. Dupree's French specific pills. U. S. v. 5 Gross Packages of Prof. Dupree's French Specific Pills. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10869. Misbranding of Dr. Lovett's pills. U. S. v. 3 Gross Bottles of Dr. Lovett's Pills. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 10872. Misbranding of Savanol. U. S. v. 7 Dozen Bottles of Savanol. Default decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product disposed of according to law.1
- 10883. Adulteration and misbranding of tuna fish. U. S. v. Henry L. Stafford, Herbert S. Stafford, and Albert Wedum (The Stafford Packing Co.). Pleas of guilty. Fine, $50.1
- 10922. Adulteration and misbranding of whole egg powder. U. S. v. Joe Lowe Co., a Corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50.1
- 10923. Misbranding of Giepsi Vemela. U. S. v. 1 Gross Bottles of Giepsi Vemela. Default decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product disposed of according to law.1
- 10934. Misbranding of tomatoes. U. S. v. Claude David Jeffords and Ludwig Schoenmann (Jeffords-Schoenmann Co.). Pleas of guilty. Fine, $75.1
- 10963. Misbranding of Lung Germine. U. S. v. 30 Bottles of Lung Genuine. Default decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product disposed of accordingto law.1
- 10993. Misbranding of Cholerine. U. S. v. Germo Mfg. Co., a Corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $101.1