- 14317. Adulteration of cookies. U. S. v. Deer Park Baking Co., Inc., and Robert M. Wade. Pleas of nolo contendere. Corporation fined $500 and costs; individual fined $250 and costs.1
- 14323. Adulteration of corn meal. U. S. v. Schultz, Baujan & Co., Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $400 and costs.1
- 14386. Adulteration of Cheddar cheese. U. S. v. National Cheese Co. Plea of guilty. Fine of $1,000 and costs.1
- 14407. Adulteration of canned salmon. U. S. v. 25 Cases of Salmon. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 14418. Adulteration of goldenseal tincture, and adulteration and misbranding of codeine sulphate tablets, morphine sulphate tablets, strychnia sulphate tablets, strychnia nitrate tablets, La Grippe tablets, rhinitis tablets, Vitone yeast compound tablets, ipecac fluidextract, belladonna leaves fluidextract, belladonna root fluidextract, colchium seed fluidextract, hyoscyamus flnidextract, and nux vomica fluidextract. U. S. v. Flint, Eaton & Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $31 and costs.1
- 14446. Adulteration of blue cohosh. U. S. v. Allaire, Woodward & Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $25 and costs.1
- 14540. Adulteration of doughnut flour mix. U. S. v. 2 Bags.1
- 14637. Misbranding of canned peas. U. S. v. 540 Cases.1
- 14731. Adulteration of canned salmon. U. S. v. 665 Cases of Salmon. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 14854. Adulteration and misbranding of natural fruit grape extract. U. S. v. 5 1/2 Gallons of Natural Fruit Grape Extract. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 14861. Adulteration of canned peas. U. S. v. 275 Cases of Canned Peas. Decree of condemnation and forfeiture entered. Product released under bond.1
- 14865. Misbranding of Bowman's abortion remedy. U. S. v. 6 Boxes of Soman's (Bowman's) Abortion Remedy. Default order of destruction entered.1
- 14903. Misbranding of Bevco Stabilizer. U. S. v. 3 Bottles.1
- 15037. Adulteration of tomato catsup. U. S. v. 28 Cases.1
- 15068. Adulteration and misbranding of prickly ash bark. U. S. v. 7 Bales of Prickly Ash Bark. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 15141. Adulteration of tomato catsup and tomato puree. U. S. v. 168 Cases, etc.1
- 15296. Adulteration and misbranding of Multi-Vitalins tablets. U. S. v. 223 Bottles, etc.1
- 15313. Adulteration of bread and rolls. U. S. v. Peters Bakery, Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $500.1
- 15494. Adulteration of canned corn. U. S. v. 329 Cases.1
- 15537. Adulteration of canned tomatoes. U. S. v. 250 Cases, etc.1