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- 113. Adulteration of Nu-Charme Perfected Brow Tint. U. S. v. 26 Cartons of Nu-Charme Perfected Brow Tint (and 1 seizure action against another lot of the same product). Motion to dismiss denied. Judgment of district court ordering product condemned and destroyed appealed to circuit court of appeals. Judgment of district court affirmed.1
- 114. Adulteration of Nu-Charme Perfected Brow Tint. U. S. v. 14 Cartons of Nu-Charme Perfected Brow Tint. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 115. Adulteration of Kix Kinks-Hair Straiter. U. S. v. Dorosy, Inc., and Dorothy Herrmann. Pleas of guilty. Each defendant fined $800.1
- 116. Adulteration of Hubere Hair Lacquer and Hair Lacquer Pads. U. S. v. Herbert I. Spitzer (Hubere Cosmetics). Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $100 and costs.1
- 117. Adulteration of Locks-Up Hair Lacquer Pads. U. S. v. 150 Packages and 61 Packages of Hair Lacquer Pads. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 118. Adulteration of oatmeal flour. U. S. v. 120 Unlabeled Bags of Oatmeal Flour. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to a public institution, for use as hog feed.1
- 119. Adulteration of cleansing cream. U. S. v. Alexandra de Markoff Sales Corporation and Hilde Cahn Weinberg (also known as Hilde Walborg). Pleas of guilty. Corporation and individual fined $1,500 jointly and severally. Individual defendant placed on probation for 1 year.1
- 120. Adulteration and misbranding of texture cream. U. S. v. Emarco Co., Inc. and Clifford F. Green. Plea of guilty on behalf of corporation; fine, $100. Plea of nolo contendere by individual; fine, $10.1
- 121. Adulteration of Odo-ro-no. U. S. v. 119 Dozen Packages and 60 Dozen Packages of Odo-ro-no. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 122. Misbranding of Jennice "Brown Magic" Plastique Masque, Emulsion Luxury Cream, Line-No-More Treatment, Sensation Cocktail Astringent, Oleo-Stimulatum Cerate, and "Youth-Glow" Finishing Lotion. U. S. v. Eunice Skelly (Eunice Skelly House of Youth). Plea of guilty. Fine, $300; 6 months' suspended jail sentence. Defendant placed on probation for 6 months.1
- 123. Misbranding of Miracle Aid for Wrinkles. U. S. v. 22 Packages, 119 Bottles, and 29 Bottles of Miracle Aid for Wrinkles. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 124. Misbranding of Presto for Blackheads. U. S. v. 11 Packages and 108 Dozen Packages of Presto for Blackheads. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 125. Misbranding of Olivo For Hair and Scalp. U. S. v. 35 1/2 Dozen Bottles and 11 1/2 Dozen Bottles of Olivo For Hair and Scalp. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 126. Misbranding of Olivo Hair Pomade. U. S. v. 69 Jars of Olivo Hair Pomade. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 127. Misbranding of Eau de Quinine Compound Hair Lotion. U. S. v. 86 Bottles of Eau de Quinine Compound Hair Lotion. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 128. Misbranding of Eau de Quinine Compound Hair Lotion. U. S. v. 70 Bottles of Eau de Quinine Compound Hair Lotion. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 129. Misbranding of Pom-Aid. U. S. v. 1,080 Jars of Pom-Aid. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 130. Misbranding of unlabeled cosmetics. U. S. v. 600 Jars and 5,328 Jars of Unlabeled Cosmetics. Consent decree of condemnation. Products ordered released under bond.1