- 27636. Adulteration and misbranding of egg noodles. U. S. v. 192 Cases, 257 Cases, and 70 Cases of Egg Noodles. Default decree of condemnation. Product delivered to a welfare organization.1
- 27637. Misbranding of honey. U. S. v. 87 Cases of Honey. Decree of condemnation. Product released under bond to be relabeled.1
- 27638. Adulteration and misbranding of Grape and Cherry True Fruit Flavors. U. S. v. 47 Cases of True Fruit Flavors. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27639. Adulteration and misbranding of lemon cocktail mixer. U. S. v. 59 Jugs of Lemon Cocktail Mixer. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27640. Adulteration of prunes. U. S. v. 694 Bags of Dried Prunes. Consent decree of condemnation. Product released under bond for sorting and destruction of unfit portion.1
- 27641. Adulteration of canned tuna. U. S. v. 260 Cases, et al., of Tuna. Decrees of condemnation. Product released under bond for segregation and destruction of decomposed portion.1
- 27642. Misbranding of canned peas. U. S. v. 33 Cases of Peas. Default decree of condemnation.1
- 27643. Adulteration and misbranding of butter. U. S. v. One Can of Butter. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27644. Adulteration of butter. U. S. v. 75 Cubes and 22 Cubes of Butter. Consolidated decree of condemnation. Product released under bond to be reworked.1
- 27645. Adulteration of crab meat. U. S. v. Twenty-five 1-pound Cans of Crab Meat (and 3 other seizure actions). Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27646. Adulteration of cream. U. S. v. Two 10-Gallon Cans of Cream (and 4 other seizure actions). Decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27647. Adulteration of cream. U. S. v. One 6-Gallon Can and Three 10-Gallon Cans, et al., of Cream. Consent decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27648. Adulteration of cream. U. S. v. One 10-Gallon and One 5-Gallon Can of Cream (and 7 other seizure actions). Consent decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27649. Conspiracy to violate the Food and Drugs Act. U. S. v. Wecoline Products, Inc., Setrak Kalustian, Antonio AccardI, James Goltsos, Paul B. Booras, Nicholas Alessi, Ernest F. Drew, E. Lionel Parrott, and Albert J, Knox. Pleas of guilty by Setrak Kalustian and Nicholas Alessi. Each fined $1,000. Plea of guilty by Paul B. Booras; defendant sentenced to be imprisoned for 1 year and a day; sentence suspended and defendant placed on probation for 1 year. Nolle prosequi entered as to Wecoline Products, Inc., Ernest F. Drew, E. Lionel Parrott, Albert J. Knox, Antonio Accardl, and James Goltsos.1
- 27650. Adulteration of canned salmon. U. S. v. 500 Cases of Canned Salmon. Portion of product condemned and destroyed. Remainder released.1
- 27651. Adulteration of Dicapho Citrate Soluble Calcium and Phosphorus. U. S. v. 200 Sacks, more or less, of Dicapho Citrate Soluble Calcium and Phosphorus. Default decree of condemnation. Product disposed of for fertilizer material.1
- 27652. Adulteration of tomato paste. U. S. v. 355 Cases of Tomato Paste. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27653. Adulteration of canned salmon. U. S. v. 5,336 Cases of Canned Salmon. Consent decree of condemnation. Product released under bond.1
- 27654. Adulteration and misbranding of olive oil. U. S. v. 49 Cases of Alleged Olive Oil. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 27655. Adulteration of maple sugar. U. S. v. 15 Bags of Maple Sugar. Product released under bond conditioned that all injurious ingredients be removed.1