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- 4551. Misbranding of " Hayssen's Sure Goitre Cure Balsam " and " Hayssen's Sure Goitre Cure Ointment." U. S. v. Minnie D. Hayssen, trading as H. H. Hayssen Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $25.1
- 4552. Misbranding of flour. U. S. v. 440 Sacks of Flour. Consent decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on bond.1
- 4553. Adulteration of desiccated eggs. U. S. v. 2, Half-Barrels of Desiccated Eggs. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4554. Adulteration of tomatoes. U. S. v. 58 Cases Strained Tomatoes, Default decree of condemnation, foirfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4555. Adulteration and misbranding of " Wishnick." U. S. v. Louis Weissman. Plea of guilty. Fine, $20.1
- 4556. Adulteration of tomato ketchup. U. S. v. 250 Cases Tomato Ketchup. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4557. Adulteration and misbranding of ground chocolate. U. S. v. Hudson Gram Co., (inc.), a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $10.1
- 4558. Misbranding of wine. U. S. v. Henry H. Shufeldt & Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100 and costs.1
- 4559. Misbranding of " Dr. MacDonald's Atlas Compound Famous Specific No. 18." U. S. v. Jeremiah MacDonald. Plea of guilty. Fine, $30.1
- 4560. Adulteration of condensed milk. U. S. v. Hires Condensed Milk Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $25.1
- 4561. Adulteration of tomatoes. U. S. v. 1,088 Cases of Canned Tomatoes. Consent decree of condemnation. Product ordered released on bond.1
- 4562. Misbranding of " Fulton's Diabetic Compound." U. S. v. 4 and 3 Cases of " Fulton's Diabetic Compound." Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4563. Misbranding of " Faucine." U. S. v. 21 Dozen Retail Packages of " Faucine." Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4564. Misbranding of " Fulton's Renal Compound." U. S. v. 6 and 7 Cases of " Fulton's Renal Compound." Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4565. Misbranding of " Fulton's Renal Compound." U. S. v. 9 and 8 cases of " Fulton's Renal Compound." Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4566. Adulteration of horse beans. U. S. v. 806 Sacks of Horse Beans. Consent decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4567. Adulteration of tomato pulp. U. S. v. 3,000 Cans of Tomato Pulp. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 4568. Misbranding of dairy feed. U. S. v. 60 Sacks of " Creamo Dairy Feed." Consent decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on bond.1
- 4569. Misbranding of " Contrell's Magic Troche." U. S. v. The Contrell Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $25.1
- 4570. Misbranding of " Benn Capsules." U. S. v. Joseph. Arthur Bennett. Plea of guilty. Fine. $25.1