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- 23226. Adulteration of elixir sodium salicylate compound; and adulteration and misbranding of fluidextract digitalis, fluidextract jalap, fluidextract nux vomica, fluidextract stramonium, tincture ferric citro-chloride, elixir gentian and iron, syrup hypophosphites compound, and syrup bromides. U. S. v. Nelson, Baker &. Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $200.1
- 23227. Adulteration and misbranding of elixir pepsin, bismuth, and strychnine; belladonna solid extract; solid extract nux vomica; elixir tonga and salicylates; citrine ointment; ointment resorcin compound; tincture opium camphorated; powdered extract belladonna, and misbranding of pentabromides. U. S. v. The Wm. S. Merrell Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $170.1
- 23228. Adulteration and misbranding of fluidextract of colchicum. U. S. v. Samuel Evans Massengill, M. D. (The S. E. Massengill Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $150.1
- 23229. Misbranding of white pine expectorant. U. S. v. 123 Bottles of White Pine Expectorant. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 23230. Misbranding of Pheno-Isolin. U. S. v. 10 Bottles of Pheno-Isolin. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 23231. Adulteration and misbranding of compound solution of iodine, acetanilid tablets, and fluidextract of ergot. U. S. v. Meyer Bros. Drug Co. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $350.1
- 23232. Adulteration and misbranding of colchicum corm and tincture belladonna. U. S. v. The Upjohn Co. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $200.1
- 23233. Adulteration and misbranding of tincture of digitalis, syrup of iron iodine, and fluidextract of ergot. U. S. v. Brewer & Co., Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $55.1
- 23234. Adulteration and misbranding of Capsules Elixir Luminol, and misbranding of Capsules Sedative, Capsules Amidonal and Capsules Cincopyrans. U. S. v. Philadelphia Capsule Co., Inc., and Joseph McManus. Plea of nolo contendere. Judgment of guilty. Fine, $150.1
- 23235. Adulteration and misbranding of Madame Heil Ammon's Get Well, Eat Well, Gall Stone Remedy, Antiseptic Wash, and Stay Young; and misbranding of Madame Heil Ammon's Oil Gall Stone Remedy. U. S. v. Catherine Heil Ammon (Home Remedy Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $100 and costs.1
- 23236. Adulteration and misbranding of syrup of hypophosphites compound, elixir iron pyrophosphites, quinine and strychnine, and elixir triple bromides; and misbranding of fluid extract of hydrastis aqueous. U. S. v. P. H. Mallen Co. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $200 and costs.1
- 23237. Misbranding of Cal-Spa Mineral Water. U. S. v. (Dr.) Everette H. Hobson, Robert U. Bronson, and James G. LeQuime (Natural Products Co.). Pleas of guilty. Fines, $900.1
- 23238. Misbranding of Cal-Spa Mineral Water. U. S. v. James G. LeQuime. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100 and costs.1
- 23239. Misbranding of Cre-Cal-Co. U. S. v. Creo-Chemical Co. and William M. Morgan. Pleas of guilty. Fine, $50.1
- 23240. Misbranding of Epsom salt, U. S. v. 1,461 Five-Pound Bags of Epsom Salt. Decree of condemnation with provision for release under bond conditioned that containers be destroyed.1
- 23241. Misbranding of Mi-Cro-Line Bladder and Kidney Remedy. U. S. v. 33 Bottles of Mi-Cro-Line Bladder and Kidney Remedy. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 23242. Misbranding of Double-Duty Poultry Wormers. U. S. v. 137 Packages of Donble-Duty Poultry Wormers. Consent decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 23243. Adulteration and misbranding of rubbing alcohol. U. S. v. Albert Coban, Ira Coban, Ben Coban, and Jack Coban (Pine Forest Co.). Pleas of guilty. Fines, $50.1
- 23244. Misbranding of St. Joseph's Morallne Petroleum Jelly, and TeeTone Pure Aspirin. U. S. v. Plough, Inc. Plea of guility. Fine, $200.1
- 23245. Misbranding of Devonshire's Earth. Salts, U. S. v. 64 Packages of Devonshire's Earth Salts. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1