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- 6351. Adulteration of imitation prune butter. U. S. v. The Hirsen Brothers Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50 and costs.1
- 6352. Adulteration and misbranding of catsup. U. S. v. Nicholas J. Janson. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100 and costs.1
- 6353. Misbranding of Lower's Pure Blood Remedy. U. S. v. Robert H. Lower. Plea of guilty. Fine, $10.1
- 6354. Adulteration and misbranding of cottonseed meal. U. S. Monroe Cotton Oil Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100.1
- 6355. Alleged misbranding of digester tankage. U. S. v. Joslin-Schmidt Co., a corporation. Tried to the court and a jury. Verdict of not guilty.1
- 6356. Adulteration of tomato sauce. U. S. v. Thomas Page. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100.1
- 6357. Misbranding of cottonseed meal. U. S. v. Roberts Cotton. Oil Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50 and costs.1
- 6358. Adulteration of milk. U. S. v. Grafeman Dairy Co., a corporation, Plea of guilty. Fine, $75 and costs.1
- 6359. Adulteration of catsup. U. S. v. 44 Cases of Catsup. Order of court for release of product on bond.1
- 6360. Adulteration and misbranding of Jonathan apples. U. S. v. 581 Boxes of Jonathan Apples. Default order for destruction of the unfot portion of the apples and for the sale of those found to be fit for food.1
- 6361. Misbranding of cottonseed meal. U. S. v. 500 Sacks of Cottonseed meal. Decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on bond.1
- 6362 (Supplement to Notice of Judgment 6149). Alleged misbranding of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. U. S. v. Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co., a corporation. Decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals reversing the judgment of the trial court and a new trial awarded.1
- 6363. Adulteration and misbranding of blackberry cider. U. S. v. Atlantic Vinegar Co., a corporation. Judgment by default. Fine, $500.1
- 6364. Adulteration of shell eggs. U. S. v. 15 Cases of Shell Eggs. Default decree of condemnation. Unfit portion of the product ordered destroyed. Balance ordered released.1
- 6365. Adulteration of evaporated milk. U. S. v. 100 Cases of Evaporated Milk. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture and destruction.1
- 6366. Adulteration of cottonseed meal. United States. v. Roberts Cotton Oil Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50 and costs.1
- 6367. Adulteration and misbranding of vinegar. U. S. v. Northern Pickle Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty Fine, $25 and costs.1
- 6368. Adulteration and misbranding of gelatin. U. S. v. 8 Barrels of Gelatin. Consent decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on bond.1
- 6369. Adulteration and misbranding of gelatin. U. S. v. 3 Barrels of Gelatin. Consent decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on bond.1
- 6370. Adulteration of eggs. U. S. v. 29 Cases of Eggs. Consent order for release of product on bond.1