8818. Adulteration of corn meal and rice. U. S. v. 330 Bags of Corn Meal and 158 Bags of Rice. Consent decrees of condemnation. Products ordered released under bond.
Case Number:
Foods, 1940-1966
Evidence Numbers:
F. D. C. Nos. 15445, 15461. Sample Nos. 24195-H, 25196-H.
Date Issued:
February 1947
Seizure Dates:
September 13 and November 7, 1944
Product Keywords:
corn meal and rice
Defendant Names:
Gulley Grocery Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Southern District of Alabama
Seizure Location:
Mobile, Ala.
Shipped From:
Shawnee, Okla., and Crowley, La.
Shipped To:
Mobile, Ala.
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