4500. Misbranding of It-Sa-Mazing wrinkle lotion. U. S. v. · 5 Bottles, . etc. (F. D. C. No. 86519. Sample No. 79655-L.) _ LIBEL :FILED: May 4, 1954, District of Nevada. A.LLloo:ED SHIPMENT: On an unspecified date, by E. C. Coolidge, doing business as· It-Sa-Mazing Products, from Sacramento, Calif. PiwouCT : 5 8-ounce bottles, 4 4-ounce bottles, and 2 2-ounce bottles of ··It-Sa-Mazing wrinkle lotion at Reno, Nev., togetě.er with a number of leaflets designated "Girls 'It-Sa-Mazing' Wrinkle Lotion" For That Young Look" and a window display card reading" 'It~Sa-:Mazing' For: That YQUD.g Look Inquire Here For Lotion Guaranteed To Make Your Wrinkles Disappear Or Your Money Refunded." . Analysis showed that the product was essentially a colored and perfumed gum solution. , · . . LABEL, IN. PART: (Bottle) "It-Sa-Mazing Wrinkle Lotion For That Young Look Start Now to prevent or eliminate wrinkles * * * This lotion feeds the underlying tissues and tightens the skin." N.Aii:raE oF CHABGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain statements on the above-mentioned bottle label and on the above-mentioned leaflet and window di$play card were false and misleading. The statements represented ·and suggested that the article would prevent and eliminate wrinkles, eliminate pimply skin, and feed the underlying skin tissues, whereas the article would not be effective for such conditions and purposes. D!BPo8lTION : June 22, 1954. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.