4768. Alfalfa tablets and alfalfa seed. (F. D. C. No. 37047. S. Nos. 85-891/2 L.) QUANTITY : 2 20,000-tablet tins, 12 500-tablet btls., and 22 300-tablet btls. of alfalfa tablets, and 1 25-lb. bag and 19 1-lb. pkgs. of alfalfa seed at Minne- apolis, Minn , in possession of Cayol Food Center Co. SHIPPED: 4-5-54, and 6-8-54, from Huntington Park and Fresno, Calif. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Alfalfa Tablets 8 Grain Contains Dehydrated Al- falfa with vegetable binder Distributed By Cayol Food Center Co. 812 La Salle Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. * * * Three tablets three times daily"; (pkg.) "Alfalfa Seed Cayol Food Center Company Use Three Tbsp Seed To One Qt. Water. , Steep Five To Thirty Minutes Drink Two To Four Cups Daily." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Booklet entitled "Medicinal Value of Natural Foods." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : The tablets in the bottles and the seed in the pack- ages had been shipped in bulk and thereafter repackaged and relabeled by the consignee. A copy of the above-mentioned booklet, opened to the pages on which the subject headed "Alfalfa" was bracketed in red pencil, was on display in the consignee's store window, along with a number of bottles of ( the alfalfa tablets and packages of the alfalfa seed. LIBELED : 8-17-54, Disfc Minn. CHARGE : 502 (a)-the accompanying labeling of the articles while held for sale contained false and misleading representations that the articles were effective in the treatment of diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, Bright's disease, tox- emia, jaundice, neuralgia, insomnia, nervousness, syphilis, constipation, lum- bago, hardening of the arteries, dropsy, prostatitis, anemia, skin eruptions, poor complexion, inflammation of the bladder, colds, fevers, and gonorrhea; and that they were effective to build blood, to build teeth and bones, to stimulate kidneys, to aid peristalsis of the bowels, to increase appetite, to strengthen digestive glands, to increase assimilation of foods, and to increase body weight; and 502 (f) (1)-the labelings of the articles failed to bear adequate directions for use. DISPOSITION: 1-10-55. Consent-claimed by Cayol Food Center Co. and relabeled.