4786. Apiol and ergotin compound. (F. D. C. No. 38176. S. No. 21-585 M.) QUANTITY: 17 pkgs., 24 24-capsule boxes each, at Philadelphia, Pa. SHIPPED: 4-1-54, from Brooklyn, N. Y., by Jamco Co. LABEL IN PART: (Box) "Penhurst Apiol and Ergotin Compound 24 * * * Each capsule contains: Apiol 5 Min. Oil Pennyroyal 1/2 Min. Ergotin 4 Gr. Aloin 1/8 Gr. Vegetable Oil O. S. 10 Min." LIBELED: 6-2-55, E. Dist. Pa. CHARGE: 503 (b) (4)-the article was a drug subject to 503 (b) (1), and when shipped its label failed to bear the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription." DISPOSITION: 8-3-55. Default-destruction. DRUGS ACTIONABLE BECAUSE OF FAILURE TO BEAR ADEQUATE DIRECTIONS OR WARNING STATEMENTS*