4839. (F. D. C. NO. 35161. S. Nos. 9-693 L, 10-072 L, 10-074 L, 10-076/7 L, 54-176 L, 54-182/3 L, 54-190 L, 54-194/5 L.) INFORMATION FILED : 9-9-53, N. Dist. Ind., against Robert M. Stitzer, t/a Morn- ingside Pharmacy, South Bend, Ind., and Constance L. Froning, Henry A. Meers, and James O. Worster (pharmacists). CHARGE : Between 9-9-52 and 12-3-52, pentobarbital sodium capsules were dis- pensed seven times (counts 1 to 7, incl.) and dextro-amphetamine sulfate tablets were dispensed four times (counts 8 to 11, incl.) upon requests for pre- scription refills without authorization by the prescriber. PLEA: Nolo contendere-by Stitzer to each of 11 counts of information, by Froning to counts 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8, by Meers to counts 7 and 11, and by Worster to counts 9 and 10. DISPOSITION: 4-28-54. Stitzer-$300 fine, plus costs; each of remaining de- fendants-$100 fine.