4986. Various drugs. (F. D. C. No. 38907. S. Nos. 37-041/2 M, 37-045 M 37-048 M, 37-056/9 M, 37-061 M, 37-063 M, 37-067/9 M, 37-073/83 M 37-085 M, 37-087/8 M.) QUANTITY: 2 btls. containing a total of 1,650 Roncovite tablets; 4 btls. contain- ing a total of 5,000 Zilatone tablets; 3 btls. and 1 drum containing a total of 28,000 Creamalm tablets; 1 btl. containing 800 Pheno-Bepadol tablets; 9 100- capsule btls. of Fer-Dona capsules; 2 btls. containing a total of 1,000 Kiophyllin tablets; 2 btls. containing a total of 650 Pavatrine tablets; 2 btls. containing a total of 4,000 Amodrine tablets; 1 1,100-capsule btl. of Sulphocol capsules; 6 btls. of Hemosule capsules; 2 btls. containing a total of 1,360 Butisol Sodium capsules (Mol-Iron tablets) ; 1 1,100-capsule btl., of Propadrme capsules, 92 vials of Dibemsylethylenediamine dipenicillin G oral suspension; 2 btls. containing a total of 200 Bicillin-Sulfas tablets; 1 btl. containing 109 Sulfa- biotic tablets; 1 btl,. of Pansulfa with penicillin tablets; 1 btl. of Aureomycin Spersoids; 8 envelopes containing a total of 700 Diamox tablets; 2 btls. of Erythrocin; 3 btls. of Thorazine; 3 boxes of Aureomycin capsules; 2 btls. containing a total of 530 Cortril tablets; 5 60-cc. btls. of pediatric Chloromy- cetin Palmitate; 9 btls. of penicillin Solvets; 34 1-oz. btls. of Paredrine-Sulfa- thiazole Suspension; 2 btls. containing a total of 1,800 Ventrex Kapseals; and 4,200 AM Plus capsules in btls. and cartons, at Newark, N. J. SHIPPED: On unknown dates, from Chicago, 111., Indianapolis, Ind., Detroit, Mich., Cincinnati, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., and Brooklyn, Buffalo, and New York, N. Y. LIBELED : 1-13-56, Dist. N. J. CHARGE: 501 (c)-{Pheno-Bepadol tablets) the strength of the article differed from that which it purported and was represented to possess, namely, vitamin Bi (thiamine) 3 milligrams; {Fer-Dona capsules) the vitamin Bi content of the article fell below the labeled potency in vitamin Bi; (Hemosule capsules) the vitamin Bi and C content of the article fell below the professed potency in vitamin Bi and C; {Ventrex Kapseals) the vitamin Bi content of the article fell below the professed potency in vitamin Bi; and {AM Plus capsules) the dextroamphetamine sulfate, thiamine hydrochloride, and ascorbic acid content of the article fell below the professed potency in these substances. 502 (a)-{Pheno-Bepadol tablets) the label statement "Each Tablet con- tains : * * * vitamin B-l (Thiamine) 3 milligrams" was false and misleading as applied to a product containing less than the declared amount of vitamin Bj per tablet; {Fer-Dona capsules) the label statement "Six Capsules * * * Contains: * * * Vitamin B-l 2 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained not more than 1.5 milligrams of vitamin Bi per 6 capsules; {Hemosule capsules) the label statement "Bach Capsule Con- tains: * * * Thiamine HC1 (Vitamin Bi) 1.0 mg. * * * Ascorbic Acid (Vita- min C) 15.0 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained 0.74 milligram of vitamin Bi and 10 milligrams of vitamin C per capsule; {Mol-Iron tablets) the label statement "Each Tablet Contains: Fer- rous Sulfate (3 gr.) 195 mg. Molybdenum Oxide (1/20 gr.) 3 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained no ferrous sulfate or molybdenum oxide; {Ventrex Kapseals) the label statement "Each Kapseal Represents: * * * Vitamin Bi (Thiamine HC1.) 0.5 mg." was false and mis- leading as applied to a product which contained 0.22 milligram of vitamin Bi, per Kapseal; and {AM Plus capsules) the label statement "Each Capsule Con- tains Dextro-Amphetamine Sulfate 5 mg. * * * Thiamine Hydrochloride 2 mg. * * * Ascorbic Acid 37.5 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained no dextroamphetamine sulfate, 1.3 milligrams of thiamine hydrochloride, and not more than 30 milligrams of ascorbic acid per capsule. 502 (b) {l)^{Roncovite tablets, Creamalin tablets, Kiophyllin tablets, Pavatrine tablets, Amodrine tablets, Propadrine capsules, Bicillin-Sulfas tab- lets, Diamox tablets, Erythrocin, Thorazine, and Cortril tablets) the labels failed to bear the names and places of business of the manufacturers, packers, or distributors. 502 (d)-{Pavatrine tablets, Amodrine tablets, and Butisol Sodium capsules [Mol-Iron tablets']) the articles contained a derivative of barbiiuric acid, and their labels failed to bear the name, and quantity or proportion of such deriva- tive and in juxtaposition therewith the statement "Warning-May be habit forming." 502 (e) (2)-{Roncovite tablets, Zilatone tablets, Creamalin tablets, Kio~ phyllin tablets, Pavatrine tablets, Amodrine tablets, and Diamox tablets) the labels failed to bear the common or usual name of each active ingredient. 502 (f) (1)-(Roncovite tablets, ZUatone tablets, Creamalin tablets, Kiophyllin tablets, Patiatrine tablets, Sulphocol Capsules, Mol-Iron tablets, Propadrine capsules, Diamox tablets, and Paredrine-Sulfathiazole Suspension) the labeling failed to bear adequate directions for use. 502 (f) (2)-(Propadrine capsules) the labeling failed to bear adequate warnings to prevent misuse. 502?(1)-(dibenzylethyl?>nediamine dipenicillin O oral suspension, penicillin Solvets, Bicillin-Sulfas tablets, Sulfabiotic tablets, and Pansulfa with penicil- lin tablets) the articles were represented as drugs composed in part of penicillin, and they were not from batches with respect to which certificates issued pursuant to law were effective; (Aureomycin Spersoids and Aureomycin capsules) the articles were represented as drugs composed in part of chlor- tetraeycline, and they were not from batches with respect to which certificates issued pursuant to law were effective; and (pediatric Chloromycetin Palmi- tate) the article was represented as a drug composed in part of Chloromycetin, and it was not from a batch with respect to which a certificate issued pursuant to law was effective. 503?(b) (4) - (Butisol Sodium capsules [Mol-Iron tablets], Bicillin-Sulfas tablets, Diamox tablets, Erythrocin, Thorazine, Cortril tablets, and Paredrine- Sulfathiazole Suspension) the articles were drugs subject to 503 (b) (1), and their labels failed to bear the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription." All articles were adulterated and/or misbranded while held for sale. The libel alleged also that 12 other products were adulterated and mis- branded under the provisions of the law applicable to foods, as reported in notices of judgment on foods. DISPOSITION : 2-14-56. Default-destruction. DRUGS FOE VETERINARY USE