5052. (F. D. C. No. 38561. S. Nos. 13-202/3 M, 13-205/9 M.) INFORMATION FILED : 1-31-56, E. Dist. Pa., against Maxwell Zalstein, t/a Physi- cians' Pharmacy, Philadelphia, Pa.~ CHARGE: Between 12-10-54 and 1-14-55, chlortetracycline capsules and cap- sules containing apiol and ergot were each dispensed twice and' penicillin tablets, oxytetracycline hydrochloride capsules, and tablets containing ery- thromycin stearate with triple sulfas were each dispensed once without a prescription. PLEA : Nolo contendere. DISPOSITION : 11-9-56. $2,100 fine; jail sentence for 3y2 years suspended and defendant placed on probation for 5 years.