5656. Rubber prophylactics. (F.D.C. No. 41480. S. Nos. 30-107 P, 30-112 P.) QUANTITY : 238 gross and 748 gross at New York, N.Y. SHIPPED : 9-26-57 and 1-6-58, from Akron, Ohio, by Akwell Corp. LABEL IN PAET : "Silver Tex * * * Prophylactics" and "Coronet Prophylactics." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Examination of 288 prophylactics from the 238 gross lot showed that 1.4 percent were defective in that they contained holes, and examination of 288 prophylactics from the 748 gross lot showed that 1 percent were defective in that they contained holes and were excessively fragile. LIBELED : 4-14-58, S. Dist. N.Y. CHARGE : 501 (c)-the quality of the article, when shipped, fell below that which it purported to possess; and 502(a)-the label statement "Prophylactics" was false and misleading as applied to an article that contained holes and was excessively fragile. DISPOSITION: 5-28-58. Default-destruction. DRUG FOR VETERINARY USE*