5732. Cherefresh (cherry juice). (FvD.C. No. 43150. S. No. 55-670 P.) QUANTITY : 16 cases, 12 46-oz. cans eaem, and 178 eases, 24 12-oz. cans each, at Oklahoma City, Okla. SHIPPED : 9-27-58 and 10-22-58, from Sturgeon Bay, Wis., by Reynolds Bros., Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Can) "Cherefresh The Original Refreshing Cherry Drink * * * Reynolds Brothers, Inc., Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin" or "Chere- fresh * * * Cherry Juice." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Leaflets' entitled: "Arthritis Victims Ask for Cherry Information." LIBELED : 5-21-59, W. Dist. Okla. CHARGE: 502 (a>-when shipped, the labeling which accompanied the article- contained false and misleading representations that the article was an ade- quate and effective treatment for arthritis, gout, and related ailments. DISPOSITION: 7-21-59. Consent-claimed by Reynolds Brothers, Inc., and relabeled.