6046. Dermo-G ointment. (F.D.O. No. 41926. S. No. 7-242 P.) QUANTITY: 9,108 cartoned %-oz. metal tubes, and 5,031 cartoned 2-oz. metal tubes, at Manchester, N.fl., in possession of Dermo-G, Inc. SHIPPED : Prior to 3-20-58, from New York, N.Y. LABEL IN PAKT: (Tube & ctn.) "Dermo-G * * * Active Ingredients: Sodium Borate (borax) Precipitated sulphur together with a soothing penetrating base containing no poisonous or harmful ingredients." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Leaflets entitled "Dermo-G Relieves Many Skin Wor- ries" and "Dermo-G The Amazing Skin Ointment"; window and store fliers; a number of empty cartons for use in packaging the article; and a number of pieces of stationery. LIBELED : 7-14-58, Dist. N.H. CHARGE: 502(a)-the labeling accompanying the article, while held for sale, contained false and misleading representations that the article was an adequate and effective treatment for eczema, acne, pimples, barber's itch, itchy scalp, sunburn, household burns, piles, hemorrhoids, poison ivy, poison oak, fever blisters, and psoriasis; and 502(f) (2)-the article was offered for piles and hemorrhoids, and its labeling failed to warn that the article should not be used in case of rectal bleeding, an indication of a serious condition, and the labeling of the article also failed to warn against use of the article in condi- tions such as sunburn, household burns, poison ivy, hemorrhoids, fever blisters, etc., in which conditions the presence of a high concentration of sulfur would aggravate rather than help the condition. DISPOSITION : 11-17-59. Consent-claimed by Dermo-G, Inc., and relabeled.