6054. Del-Caps timed disintegration capsules. (F.D.O. No. 42794. S. No. 45-496 P.) QUANTITY : 8 1,000-capsule btls. at Tulia, Tex. SHIPPED: 9-17-58, from Rensselaer, N.Y., by Delmar Pharmacal Corp. LABEL IN PART : "Del-Caps 15 Timed Disinegration Capsule * * * Each Cap- sule Contains Dextro Amphetamine Sulfate 15 mg. * * * in a special base that provides for the disintegration of the contents throughout a period of 6-10 hours. * * * 3565 Manufactured by Delmar Pharmacal Corp. 333 Co- lumbia Street, Rensselaer, New York." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Analysis showed that each capsule contained 15 mg. of dextroamphetamine sulfate, 77 percent of whieh was released in two hours. LIBELED : 2-2-59, N. Dis. Tex.; libel amended 5-12-59. CHARGE: 501(c)-when shipped, the quality of the article differed from that which it purported and was represented to possess since it failed to distinte- grate at a uniform rate over a 6-10 hour period; and 502(a)-the label state- ment "Each capsule contains Dextro Amphetamine Sulfate 15 mg. * * * in a special base that provides for the disintegration of the contents throughout a period of 6-10 hours" was false and misleading. DISPOSITION : 1-15-60. Default-destruction. DRUGS FOR VETERINARY USE