6118. Swedish Masseur Contour Vibrator. (F.D.C. No. 43325. S. No. 52-113 P.) QUANTITY : 16 individually cartoned devices at Fargo, N. Dak., in possession of O. J. deLendreeie Co. SHIPPED : 3-3-59, from Newark, N.J., by Remington Sales. LABEL IN PART: (Ctn.) "Relax Revitalize Professional Swedish Masseur De- Luxe * * * Salon Vibration in Home Privacy * * * A Product of Remington Research Inc.," (tag) "UL Professional Contour Vibrator." paper advertisement used in placard, reading in part "Spot reduce * * * Swedish Masseur." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : The article was a padded and upholstered device, 5" by 5" by 12" in size, contour-shaped on one side to fit the curvatures of the body. It contained a small electric motor capable of providing vibra- tion. LIBELED : 7-29-59, Dist. N. Dak. CHARGE : 502 (a)-when shipped and while held for sale, the name of the article and the labeling which accompanied it contained false and misleading repre- sentations that the article was an adequate and effective treatment for re- ducing ; slenderizing; reproportioning the entire body; removing excess fatty deposits; tightening and toning muscle tissues and sagging skin; restoring the body to youthful tonicity and vibrancy of the "18 year old" midriff; relieved nervousness and tension, and circulation, banished backaches and rheumatic pains and promoted sleep. DISPOSITION: 3-21-60. Consent-claimed by Remington Research, Inc., New York, N.Y., and relabeled.