6331. Sulfur mineral concentrate and Sulphydrosol. (F.D.C. No. 44413. S. No. 93-248/9 P.) QUANTITY: 2 unlabeled 5-gal. glass carboys, containing a total of about 6 gals., 5 32-oz. btls., and 1 16-oz. btl. of sulfur mineral concentrate and 16 cases, each containing 36 2-oz btls. of Sulphydrosol at Seattle, Wash., in possession of Vital Foods Distributors. SHIPPED: 8-7-59, from Salt Lake City, Utah, by Colloidal Sulphur Co., Inc. LABEL IN PAST: (Btl.) "S-M-C Sulfur Mineral Concentrate Colloidal Sulfur For Bath and Topical Use * * * processed for properly balanced natural sulphur bearing mineral water and contains as active ingredients-Highly reac- tive Colloidal Sulfur complexes including Calcium Thiosulfates and Poly- sulfides in a high potency concentrate * * * The Colloidal Sulphur Company, Incorporated 282 Wall Street Salt Lake City 16, Utah" and "Sulphydrosol (B) Ingredients: High Potency Colloidal Sulfur complexes, Potassium Iodide and Sodium Salicylate * * * The Colloidal Sulphur Company, Incorporated." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Loose "Sulfur Mineral Concentrate" labels and leaf- lets reading in part "Drink and Bathe Your Way to Health and Beauty" and leaflets entitled "Excerpts from a 12 page article which appeared in the Kentucky State Medical Journal." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : The articles were shipped as described above in 10-gal. plastic bottles and upon receipt were repacked by the dealer and the president of Colloidal Sulphur Co., Inc., into the bottles and the glass carboys. The labels were furnished by the shipper and were applied at the time of repacking. LIBELED: 3-29-60, W.Dist. Wash. CHARGE: 502(a)-when shipped and while held for sale, the labeling of the article contained false and misleading representations that the articles were an adequate and effective treatment for metabolic diseases, high blood pres- sure; diabetes; arthritis; neuritis; dermatitis; sunburn; poison ivy and oak wounds; ulcers; athlete's foot; fungus infections; insect bites; bee stings; itch; eczema, etc.; and that they would detoxify the system; reduce { blood sugar, and heal burns. DISPOSITION: 6-17-60. Default-destruction.