6524. (F.D.C. No. 45223; ,S. Nos. 71-805 P, 71-811 P, 2-072 R, 2-076 R, 2-089 R, 2-091 R, 2-501 R, 2-521R.) INFORMATION FILED : 3-24-61, S. Dist. Fla., against Harry Eugene Turner, t/a North Park Pharmacy, Tampa, Fla, and Clyde Ellsworth Wager (pharmacist). CHARGE: Between 7-17-59 and 5-18-60, Dexedrine Sulfate tablets (counts 1 and 2) were dispensed twice and Miltown tablets (counts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) were dispensed 6 times, upon requests for prescription refills without authori- zation by the prescrlber. ( PLEA : Guilty by Turner to all counts; by Wager to counts 1, 2, 3, and 7. DISPOSITION : 6-30-61. Turner was fined $400 and Wager $200.